Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top 7 Article Writting Tips For Dummies - Digit Crunch

Guest Post: Our Host?Roger Pahuriray, Roger is going to guide you with several writing tips which is extremely helpful for your career. See How To Become An Author At Digit Crunch.

A spanking new trend on web design doesn?t just focus on web design. For a website to work, don?t rely too much on the packaging: the chunk of it depends on plain old content. Writing great web content comes with great responsibility! It ensures not just single visits from the curious, but a loyal following as well.

1. Learn the lingo

You can?t sell, say, wrestling gear without pumping up words with adrenaline. Otherwise the articles you write won?t stand out in the boxing ring. Since wrestling is all about packing verbs with adrenaline, in the same manner, cosmetic or beauty products are all about grace and elegance. Each topic has its each personality, as each word has its own sound. It takes years to develop this, but writers shouldn?t be discouraged: all it takes is reading. A lot of it! During commutes, while cooking your breakfast, or even when you?re just taking a coffee break, read up on similar topics.

2. Be cool and casual

Most articles are effective not because they use highfalutin words, but because they have a smooth, casual register. It?s figurative, catchy and conversational. This is the to-die-for element the ideal web content writer has. Ditch the semicolons and trim the sentences. If you can?t read it in real life, it?s not going to work on the web.

3. Read and take notes

Be versatile! Exploring the web will help you learn about other product?s dialects. Immerse yourself not just by reading articles but also by taking note (use mobile devices) of the overall tone and writing style, down to the gritty details of adjectives, verbs, and sentence construction. Short sentences deliver fast-paced action, while longer sentences mean elaboration.

4. Trick yourself

The last thing you would want to know is how you?re faring well with your article. Monitoring your word count every few seconds would surely discourage you. Amuse yourself! Dare yourself by using a new word for each article. Through time you will incorporate that, and the next time you?d use it, you would sound like a natural. Write in the great outdoors!

5. Skip the first few sentences

It really depends on your writing habits, but personally, the first few sentences are the most time-consuming part of an article. Try writing the second sentence or the next few paragraphs first. Prioritize ideas first! Organize them later. If you can write as fast as how your mind thinks, then please help yourself and do it!

6. Edit, edit and edit

Editing your work is the best way to steer clear from misspellings or glaring grammatical errors. Editing shouldn?t be done as soon as you?ve finished your work?let your mind rest for a while. Sometimes you have to forget what you?ve written: after thirty minutes, read your work as if you haven?t written it. You will have fresh and transparent opinions on your piece.

7. The rule on writing titles

If you?re the person who writes his ideas first before organizing them, then the title is of the least priority. As soon as you?ve settled down the order of your paragraphs, and edited your piece thoroughly, the title will easily come to you. But if all else fails, go to a trusted web design agency to help you with your content. It?s not the cheapest option but it?s easily one of the easiest, to make sure that you have stellar content every time. ? About The Author:?Roger Pahuriray, an SEO specialist working with PinAgency.Com, a web design agency based in Los Angeles. He is also an avid blogger keen to share the latest news and trends in ecommerce and Internet marketing. Roger is particularly interested in giving business owners new tips and strategies on how to best reach their target markets online.

Source: http://www.thedigitcrunch.com/2013/07/top-7-article-writting-tips-for-dummies.html

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