Friday, July 12, 2013

Group from Ohio taking free portraits of tornado survivors

A group of seven missionaries is in Tuscaloosa in hopes to have an impact on tornado survivors.

The team from Ohio is offering free senior and family portraits to those impacted by the deadly tornado that ripped through Alabama on April 27, 2011. The majority of damage done in Tuscaloosa was to homes.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Missionary photographer Helen Anne Swartwout said, "Even just family portraits tell, shows you this was a time in our lives. This was what Aunt Marge looked like and this was what, do you remember how small Timmy was. And it tells a story."

The group from Ohio realizes they can't replace what some lost, but by offering free portraits it gives survivors a new starting point.

Tornado survivor Rust Vitt got choked up when he said, "Yeah, it's moving forward but, unless you drive into the neighborhood every night and you still see remnants of that. Umm.. I'm sorry."

The emotion of what survivors went through is what motivated group leader Holli Stevenson to come back to Tuscaloosa.

"When I got here two years ago there were people working alongside of us who had lost everything. They lost their homes and they were helping us dig through rubble looking for survivors. They didn't wait to be rescued," Stevenson added.

But what the team has been waiting on is to touch the lives of the people that lived through the tornado.

Tornado survivor Muriell Vitt said, "I think that is a blessing. Such a giving heart that they would want to do that for people. I mean I'm just awestruck." That awestruck feeling is what the missionaries are hoping to take back home with them.

The photography group will be at Wings of Grace Relief Center in Tuscaloosa Friday also.

For more about what is being offered click here.


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