Saturday, May 11, 2013

Resident physician, Troop Medical Clinic, consults with Qatari military about osteopathic medicine

DOHA, Qatar (May 6, 2013) -- "Body, mind and spirit," said Lt. Col. John Green, the resident physician at the Troop Medical Clinic located on Camp as Sayliyah, Qatar, who has been practicing osteopathic medicine since 1997 when he finished his initial residency.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, osteopathy medicine is a system of medical practice based on a theory that diseases are due chiefly to loss of structural integrity which can be restored by manipulation of the parts, supplemented by therapeutic measures as use of medicine or surgery. In other words the body works as one system.

Furthermore, Medical News Today states, the philosophy of osteopathy is what sets it apart from other medical disciplines. The key principles are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and compensate for this, eventually leading to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, osteopathic treatment assists the body with pain minimization, reduced stress and greater mobility providing the body with the opportunity to heal itself.

After working over the course of several months, Green lead the way by showing physicians with the Qatar Military Medical Services the techniques he uses for treatment, also known in osteopathy as "manipulation."

"At first," said Green. "They didn't understand the difference between the two schools of thought."

The two schools of thought being osteopathic and allopathic medicine; the latter is the traditional medical philosophy.

"Right now it is collaboration," said Green. "Dr. Imad Arbab [physical therapist] will bring up certain cases and I tell him what I would probably do in that situation. I suggest it could be this, that or the other. Only a few cases have I seen the patients, but that's because my role hasn't been fixed."

The project started slowly. Brig. Gen. Mubarak Abdullah asked initially about performing osteopathic techniques, so Green gave him some information and explained it to him.

After discussing with Hani Abukishk, the host nations liaison for Camp As Sayliyah, and Col. Wayne Grieme, commander, Area Support Group, Qatar, it became apparent to Green that this type of mission was important.

"At that point it became a host nation building mission," said Green.

"The second time, Abdullah asked me, 'When are we going to start the clinic? When are you going to show us the manipulation techniques; the ways of osteopathic medicine?'" said Green, who recently taught as an associate professor and assisted at an opening of osteopathic medical school in Mississippi.

According to Green, he would visit once a week with the physical therapist and consult him on procedures he might use on the patients under the therapist's care.

However, Green is not teaching in an official status or venue, but he is working on it.

"He really wanted me there every week, twice a week," continued Green. "He was ready to provide me an office as well."

"Training can easily turn into treating when you are demonstrating and that's why I haven't yet. I've kept my hands off," said Green. "So I tell him what I would do as far as treatment then I show him the procedure in the book," Green stated. "But in the end, what he [Arbab] does is up to him."


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