Monday, May 6, 2013

Go On, Get Social: 3 Reasons Your Business Needs to Join the ...

All Posts, Guest Bloggers, Promoting Your Website

Social Media CollageEstablishing a social media presence is a must for all businesses. But, why? Here are 3 reasons why your business needs to establish a presence on social media.

1.?? ?It Makes You Approachable

Before the internet took over much of our daily communications and interactions, most of us had local experts we would call or go visit when we had a need. For example, if we needed to sell our home, we might have called up our Realtor and perhaps met over cup of coffee. Today that meeting is often replaced by a friendly posting on Twitter or Facebook. ?Hey Jim, how?s the market? Good time to buy?? As a business, establishing a social media presence gives your customers an opportunity to see the people behind the business. It also gives your business a personality and says, ?Hey, we are here for you. Talk to us.?

2.?? ?It Keeps You Visible

Keeping your business on the forefront of your customer?s and potential customer?s minds is paramount to success in today?s day in age. It is not enough to throw an ad in the local paper and yellow pages anymore. Today?s customers often start on the web to decide when, how, and where they will purchase their goods and services. Establishing a presence on social media broadens your presence across the web. Social media sites are included in search engine rankings (think Google search). Establishing a presence on social sites inevitably boosts your SEO and ultimately directs more customers to you. Most social sites also have the option to purchase advertising which furthers your reach to your target audience.

3.?? ?It is Free!

Getting started on social media is essentially free. All of the major players (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) allow businesses to establish a business page for no cost; all you have to lose is time. Social media also gives you free access and insight into your competitor?s strategies. You can easily see what they are up to and how their customers are responding to them. If you invest your time capital wisely, your return on investment has exceptional potential. Don?t allow the opportunity to get social pass your business by. Your competitors are getting social and you should be joining the party as well.

- Audrey Howes manages Social Media and special projects for Swiftpage (, a? leading provider of digital marketing and CRM solutions that help businesses grow. You can reach Audrey at


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