Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Video: Will Chicago teachers approve contract?

>> late word on that week-long teacher strike in the nation's third largest school district , chicago . teachers union delegates have been meeting late today on a proposed new contract. our chief education correspondent rahima ellis is following this for us in chicago .

>> reporter: lester, we are just getting word from union officials that there will be no school in chicago tomorrow. negotiators say that they want more time. now, going into the weekend, they say they only had a framework for a deal. today they got more.

>> one day longer.

>> one day stronger.

>> reporter: after a contentious week of protests and intense late night bargaining, that saw spirits rise and fall , finally some real progress. union negotiators presented details of a new contract to rank-and-file delegates seeking a vote that could end the week-long strike in the nation's third largest school district . according to the union, the new three-year contract would include cost of living increases, 30% of a teachers evaluation would still be based on students' standardized test scores, but the teachers would have a new right to appeal their rating. principals will have hiring power. something the school district fought for, but there are reports not all teachers are happy.

>> it's always going to be the case that a contract settlement will fall short of answering every question. whether or not it's sufficient will be up to our members.

>> public school teachers don't stop.

>> say what?

>> reporter: the dispute is being closely watched nationwide.

>> labor is looking at chicago to see if hard-edged dig in your heels tactics work. mayors and education reformers are looking at chicago to see how hard they can push the envelope to get the reforms that children need.

>> reporter: once again, late word is that the threat continues and parents will have -- and their children as the strike in chicago continues. lester.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49055132/

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