Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tremulus -

I don?t normally cover table-top RPGs here. But something interesting has been funded with $ 25k on Kickstarter: Tremulus?

?Tremulus is a storytelling RPG where you and your friends get together and create a haunting story in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft?s works.?

Ok, so it?s about real storytelling. I?m liking it.

?easy to learn? ? ?there is nothing to memorize? ? ?the story isn?t written beforehand? ? ?You only need a pair of regular old six-sided dice, like you find in most family board games?.

I?m definitely liking it. Sounds like my kind of game. Although I?ve never seen the attraction of table-top RPGs, when there are videogames like Morrowind to be played. But if it?s as easy as the makers claim then Tremulus might even have potential for jump-starting stalled writers, by giving them some parts of a basic plot structure. Since it?s claimed that Tremulus?

?plays exceedingly well, with just one player. This complements weird literature perfectly, as there is often only a central, solitary protagonist.?

And since they now have $ 25k to play with, there?s a chance it could be a fairly sophisticated and Lovecraft-faithful project. Here?s hoping.

Click Here to Read TENTACLII :: H.P. Lovecraft blog by David Haden

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