Friday, March 22, 2013

100 Top Public Speaking Tips | The Master List

Post image for 100 Top Public Speaking Tips: Master List

Public Speaking Tip 1:?Lose that Scorecard in Your Mind

Don?t aspire to public speaking perfection. It?ll trip you up ? plus, there?s no such thing!

Public Speaking Tip 2:?Give a Small ?Speech? Every Day

The line between public speaking and regular talk is thinner than you think. In fact, you can practice public speaking (and increase your skills) during regular conversations ? and no one will ever know!

Public Speaking Tip 3: Make Public Speaking Practice a Game

Public speaking is part of everyday life ? and you can make public speaking practice part of your daily life, by playing this game.

Public Speaking Tip 4: Writing ?Rules? Aren?t for Public Speaking

The rules for writing that you may have learned in high school are rarely right for public speaking. Instead, write to speak in a way that reflects your natural conversation style.

Public Speaking Tip 5: Be Yourself

No one else can tell your story, or speak from your heart, as you can. That?s why the most powerful public speaking always comes from people who are being themselves.

Public Speaking Tip 6: You WILL Make Mistakes

Every public speaker makes mistakes! If you hate that reality (and even if you don?t), here are some strategies to quickly recover from the inevitable imperfections.

Public Speaking Tip 7: Forget About Words

Words have their place in public speaking, but it?s a much smaller place than most people assume. So instead of worrying about individual word choices, focus on your ideas and your connection with the audience.

Public Speaking Tip 8: Start By Telling Yourself the Truth

Public Speaking Tip 8: Tell Truth ? It isn?t always possible to tell ?the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? at work. But if you start by being honest with yourself, it?s easier to find a compromise you can live with.

Public Speaking Tip 9: Embrace the Stress

What, besides experience, is the biggest difference between veteran and newbie public speakers? Both groups experience stress, nerves, even fear; but the veterans aren?t thrown by those feelings ? and you don?t have to be, either.

Public Speaking Tip 10: For Public Speaking Phobia, Get Help

Is your fear of public speaking a ?phobia?? Or is it in the the mild-to-heavy anxiety range that most of us feel when we make a presentation? Find out how fear differs from phobia, and what to do if you have the latter.

Public Speaking Tip 11: Get the Facts Before You Agree to Speak

When someone asks you to give a speech, don?t let your delight (or dismay) distract you from asking some basic questions about your speech, your audience, and the event. Now, before you?ve said yes, is the best time to find out what you?re really getting into!

Public Speaking Tip 12: Listen to Your Audience (Part 1)

Great public speaking isn?t just ? or even primarily ? about what you say. Your ability to LISTEN is equally important. Here are some tips for listening better to become a better public speaker.

Public Speaking Tip 13: Listen to Your Audience (Part 2)

Listening to one person can be hard work ? and listening to an AUDIENCE can really seem daunting. But if you stop, look, and focus on their cues, you?ll find that the mood of your audience isn?t all that hard to ?hear.?



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