Sunday, February 3, 2013

Today on New Scientist: 1 February 2013

Zombies take over the museum

What do zombies have to do with consciousness? Quite a lot, show the thrilling theatrics at the Science Museum, London

Fishy origin of remora's shark-sucking hat

In a case of nature's love of recycling, the remora's unique sucking disc headgear starts life as a bog-standard dorsal fin

Arabic programming language aims to open up coding

An Arabic version of a common programming language aims to open up software engineering to a wider audience that doesn't speak English

Abnormal gut bacteria linked to severe malnutrition

Faecal transplants reveal how gut bacteria have an important role to play in the onset and treatment of a form of malnutrition called kwashiorkor

Texas mega-battery aims to green up the grid

A giant battery built next to a Texas wind farm can bridge the gap between supply and demand, making renewable energy more viable

Scarred for life? The biology of childhood hardship

Suffering in our early years can have terrible after-effects - not only on us but also on our descendants. We're now closing in on how the biology works

Dinosaur-killing asteroid was a twin terror

The infamous space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs may have been a binary - two asteroids revolving around each other

US medical research chimps to retire to sanctuaries

Animal rights campaigners hail recommendations as a triumph, but loss of only animal model for hepatitis C could delay vaccine development

Feedback: Read this and you're caught

Legally binding glances, when the threat of disease isn't enough, the tiger that loves New Scientist, and more

Archimedes's favourite insight printed in 3D

A 3D printer has turned a famous mathematical proof into an object of the precise dimensions needed to demonstrate the genius of Archimedes

Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships

The combined power of two people's brains is better at completing certain tasks - and could even one day be used to control spacecraft

Swarm-mongering: Brainless blobs flock together

Swarming isn't just for fish, birds and biological creatures - plastic micro-blobs can do it too, thanks to a purely physical mechanism

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