Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chili's Grill & Bar's Parent Company Lowers Expectations Because ...

Feb 27 (Reuters) - Chili's Grill & Bar parent Brinker International Inc on Wednesday tempered its 2013 profit forecast, citing diners grappling with the U.S. payroll tax hike, more expensive gasoline and delayed federal tax refund checks.
The news from Brinker comes just days after a similar warning from rival and Olive Garden parent Darden Restaurants Inc.
Dallas-based Brinker said it now expects 2013 earnings per share, before special items, to be at the lower end of its range of $2.30 to $2.45.
It also expects sales at established restaurants to grow about 1 percent for the year.
Brinker said same-restaurant sales for its current fiscal third quarter were running down 2.2 percent at Chili's as of Feb. 25. Results at Maggiano's, its smaller chain, were flat.
Brinker will report its third-quarter results on April 23.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Krauthammer: Obamacare Is ?Terrible,? But It?s Law Of The Land And GOP Govs Are ?Honorable? For Embracing It

There has been a recent trend of Republican governors embracing the Medicaid expansion provision of the Affordable Care Act, and this week Florida governor Rick Scott became the latest to jump on the bandwagon. On Fox News earlier today, Bret Baier held a panel discussion on this shift, with Charles Krauthammer saying that while the health care law is insolvent and terrible, it is the law of the land, and said that Scott and his fellow governors are making an ?honorable? decision for embracing the Medicaid expansion.

RELATED: Krauthammer To Hannity: Roberts Was Protecting The Court?s ?Reputation? With Health Care Decision

The Weekly Standard?s Steve Hayes said it?s easy to ?understand the rationale? of why Republican governors are embracing parts of the health care law, but found it ?particularly galling? that Scott, who ?made his career opposing Obamacare? and has consistently been one of its most ardent opponents, pulled a surprising 180 this week. Hayes called Scott?s shift a politically ?cowardly? decision.

Kirsten Powers argued it is a striking example of the limits of Republican opposition to health care. She said that there has been no real alternative plan offered concerning how to provide health care to poor people. Baier pointed out that the Medicaid expansion was rejected in far more states than it has been accepted in. Krauthammer responded to Powers? point by saying the health care law goes even further in expanding Medicaid to people who are above the poverty line.

Krauthammer then defended Scott?s actions as ?honorable? after his long opposition to the health care law, in spite of personally believing the Medicaid provision in the law is too expansive, and clarified that despite his defense he still believes it to be ?insolvent? and ?a terrible idea.? Powers said that at least Scott is accepting reality and not just pretending that poor people will ?disappear? and solve the problem.

Hayes pointed out no one is talking about how the Medicaid expansion will be paid for, maintaining that it is ?unwise? for Republican governors to concede defeat when there are alternatives and that the full implementation of the health care law will end up being a ?policy disaster.?

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac


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State College of Florida falls to Indian River State College in baseball

Staff report

Published: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 9:45 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 9:45 p.m.

BRADENTON ? The State College of Florida fell to Indian River State College 6-4 on Wednesday.

Connor Hale went 1-for-3 with a run scored.

Jarred Smith went 1-for-2 and teammate Andrew McNett went 1-for-3.

The Manatees (12-6) with travel to Jacksonville on Friday to take on Florida State College.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wedding Ceremony Choices

Wedding Ceremony Choices

Although the service may be quite lengthy and involved, it is not complete until the legal aspect is fulfilled. So although you may think the most important aspects are the religious requirements, or that the wedding ceremony readings are appropriate, the law requires that the couple sign the marriage certificate in front of witnesses before the marriage can be legally accepted. So the wedding ceremony decorations and wedding ceremony music, although important to many of us, are not essential!

Of course other wedding traditions can be much more complicated as soon as you look into different race, social classes and ethnic groups to name a few. Performed by a Christian priest or vicar, the Church ceremony continues to be top of the list as a venue. The traditional white wedding as we know it is really only a service that is popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland and some other Commonwealth countries.

A different type occasion often difficult to arrange is where two couples are married simultaneously; this often happens where a person has a brother or sister that decides to tie the knot at the same time and it is not unheard of for two brothers to marry two sisters this way.

A destination wedding is where the engaged couple and often guests travel to attend the ceremony ? as a wedding option it can work out considerably less expensive this way, since wedding ceremony decorations, wedding ceremony music and even wedding guests can be kept to a minimum.

Whilst it is quite normal for the Irish to have three day weddings, more couples are taking the hint and having theirs over a weekend which gives them more time to enjoy the occasion. Special activities, such as spa treatments and golf tournaments, are scheduled into the itinerary for guests\? enjoyment throughout the weekend. Accommodation for these is normally arranged at the place where the service is going to take place and where the other events are also being held.

Internet weddings seem to be something that has come about recently and a number of people are now using this method to seal their vows; There are already a number of companies based online can help you find out more information about his unusual type of ceremony. An online wedding also refers to where a couple decides to have their marriage ceremony broadcast live on the internet.

Civil weddings have to be carried out by a local justice of the peace, judge, even a mayor can carry out the ceremony and most places out side of a church will use one of these people. For people that elect this type of ceremony it is not important to them if God or religion is referred to in such a brief service. Often, this type of service will take place in a judge\?s chambers, town or city hall or any other specially designated place.

If you live in a Christian country then you will recognize many of these wedding traditions but there are many more types of ceremony available around the world, and wedding ceremony music and wedding ceremony decorations may be important, or they may not.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Report on residential school deaths should serve as 'wake-up call' to Canada Staff
Published Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 8:36AM EST
Last Updated Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 9:00AM EST

A grim report into Canada's residential school system should serve as a "wake-up call" to end the ignorance surrounding the dark period in the country's history, says the head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

The research released Monday shows at least 3,000 children are now known to have died while in the Indian residential schools system that started in the 1870s. The new numbers are the result of the first systematic search of government, school and other records.

Marie Wilson, commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, said the numbers are shocking. Of the 3,000 confirmed to have died, she said, 500 are children whose identities remain entirely unknown.

"I hope it's a huge wake-up call to Canada about the enormity of the impacts of the residential school story," she told CTV's Canada AM on Tuesday.

"We've heard about it in the global way, but now, to know these are real little lives that were lived and lost in the context of going to school is something we all need to pay attention to and we need to ask ourselves questions about what it means for today."

Alex Maass, research manager with the Missing Children Project, compiled the numbers after extensive research. Each death was confirmed through documentation showing when the child died, where the death occurred and what the circumstances were.

Disease was the largest killer, particularly tuberculosis which flourished in the crammed, dormitory-style accommodations. The Spanish flu was also devastating, and children are shown to have died from malnutrition or accidents such as fires, drowning or exposure. Others were the victims of physical and sexual abuse, while some died trying to run away and others committed suicide.

Alvin Dixon, a survivor of the residential school system in B.C. who now counsels other natives, said the report's description of overcrowding, physical abuse and disease is true to his experience.

"I was only there for about two hours when I got my first strapping for speaking (my) language," Dixon said. "I spoke very little English then, I was 10 years old, and the other impression I have is the overcrowding and the smell of little children, of too many people in one room."

About 150,000 First Nations children went through the church-run residential school system, which ran from the 1870s until the 1990s. The new records reveal the number of deaths only began to drop significantly after the 1950s, although some fatalities occurred as recently as the 1970s.

Maass said death was such an expected part of the residential school system that buildings were often designed with a cemetery as a key feature in the architectural plans.

He warned the death toll is likely to go up as more documents are uncovered.

Wilson said she hopes the new insights will allow all Canadians to learn from the past and avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

"We have remedial learning to do which is very significant because most of us grew up knowing nothing about residential schools. So our school systems, our departments of education have work to do to make this mandatory so we're not investing in another generation of ignorance," she said.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Hudson, Ohio Lawyer's Perspective on Divorce and Family ...

A Hudson, Ohio Lawyer's Perspective on Divorce and Family Matters: Mom and Dad (and Mom): Florida Judge Approves Unconventional Family

Mom and Dad (and Mom): Florida Judge Approves Unconventional Family

A family court judge in Florida recently authorized the reissuance of a 22-month-old girl?s birth certificate. No big deal, right? After all, birth certificates get reissued all the time due to clerical errors or name changes. In this case, the reissuance was not because of any old typo. Instead, the toddler would be getting a third parent. The case starts with a lesbian couple, Maria Italiano and Cher Filippazzo. The two had been considering having a child for a while when they met a new friend, a Miami hairdresser named Massimiliano Gerina. Gerina, a gay man, became fast friends with the duo. After a while the two approached Gerina and asked if he?d consider donating sperm to allow the two to have a child. At first he shrugged off the offer, but after some lengthy consideration he decided he was game. The only condition to his participation was that Gerina wanted to play an important role in the child?s life. Not content to be an anonymous sperm donor, Gerina wanted to have visitation rights and get to know his child. The lesbian couple was on board and the three reached a verbal agreement laying out Gerina?s rights and responsibilities.
Things, unfortunately, got complicated the moment the child was born. Florida law (and the law of most other states) says that sperm donors have no parental rights to their biological offspring. As a bit of an aside, here in Ohio if the couple receiving the sperm knows the donor, the donor is only released from legal responsibility for the child if the procedure is performed with a physician?s involvement. Florida has no such law and Gerina would ordinarily have no rights or responsibilities for the child, something the lesbian couple eventually decided they agreed with. Going back on their verbal agreement, the couple now prevented Gerina from seeing the girl, denying him the role he felt he?d been promised.
Gerina, in turn, filed suit seeking to enforce their original verbal agreement. The Florida judge who presided over the case eventually sided with Gerina, at least on most issues. The lesbian couple will maintain sole parental rights to the child and Gerina will not be expected to pay child support. However, Gerina has been given visitation rights to the girl and has also been allowed to have his name listed on the child?s birth certificate. Two moms and a dad certainly make for an unconventional family, but one that reflects the changing realities of modern life. If you find yourself facing the prospect of complicated divorce and have questions about your rights and options, contact an experienced?Ohio family law attorney?who can help guide you through the difficult process. Count on the expertise of Twinsburg family law attorney?Carol L. Gasper. See Our Related Blog Posts: How to Establish Parental Rights for Unmarried Fathers in Ohio


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Nexus 4 Wireless Charger hands-on

Nexus 4 Wireless Charger handson

Palm's Touchstone dock immediately came to mind when we first saw LG's Nexus 4 Wireless Charger last fall (now available for $60 in the Play Store). Both devices are circular, with a micro-USB port in back and a slanted front surface on which to rest the phone. That's where the similarities end -- while the Touchstone is cylindrical and uses a proprietary wireless charging system, the Nexus 4 Wireless Charger is larger, spherical and Qi-compatible. Another major difference is that Palm's dock uses magnets to line up and secure the handset, and LG's accessory relies solely on the friction between a rubber ring and the glass back of Google's flagship phone. Design-wise the Nexus 4 Wireless Charger looks similar to a smaller Nexus Q cut in half, down to the matching recessed square connector cutout.

In the box you'll find a 5V 1.8A AC adapter (vs. 1.2A for the one supplied with the Nexus 4) along with a micro-USB cable (longer than the one provided with the handset). The manual warns to "use only the power adapter and micro-USB cable that come with your Nexus 4 Wireless Charger", but we didn't have any trouble with other USB power sources beyond longer charging times. We tested the dock with the Nexus 4, Droid DNA, Lumia 920 and Lumia 822 (with the optional Wireless Charging Cover) -- basically, LG's accessory provides the same experience as Nokia's Wireless Charging Plate ($50), which is also Qi-compatible. The $10 difference buys you a matching design and a spare USB power adapter and micro-USB cable (Nokia's plate comes with a proprietary AC adapter). It takes about 4 hours to fully charge Google's flagship phone using wireless power -- check out the gallery above for some action shots.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Home Shower Filters Purifiers | Home Improvement ...

Are you prone to water borne diseases or feel the dirt while taking the bath then you must install home shower filters just to ensure complete safety. With the passing time massive changes or rather say advancements have been noticed in the shower filter which has led to the installation of shower filter in every home. Home shower filters are said to be more powerful and performance based as they have to cater the whole family and also to ensure clean bathing water. These days home shower filters usually come in variety of designs, styles, patterns and colors. The most striking point is that they are generally quoted at a very competitive price which can be afforded by anyone. These shower filters are equipped with carbon filters which not only restricts the germs but also eliminate the impurities. Apart from that they remove the bad smell and odor making water fit for bathing.

With the changing time shower filters too marked different changes as now majority of home shower filters are equipped with array of benefits and features. This ensures the complete removal of germs and bacteria along with the smell. Home shower filters are now installed in every home just in order to have clean bath. According to the experts having a shower daily provides great sense of relief from the stress and tension, due to this theory a significant increase has been noticed in the production of home shower filters. It has been seen that people have become more alert in regard to health due to which they now prefer to take bath from filtered water in order to ensure complete safety.

Being so handy and portable it is very easy to install and clean the shower filters. But it is advisable to do the extensive market research before zeroing yourself on any home shower filters as one wrong decision can throw water on your hard earned dollars. Internet is the best place to find the most suitable and widely used home shower filters as majority of the company have gone online to display their products. Still, make sure about their return policies before buying one. Majority of the home shower filters are now designed in such a way that they can be adjusted according to the water temperature. It means they can be used in cold as well as hot water shower. Home shower filter?s cartridge usually works well within 6 to 9 nine months depending upon the water and the shower filter usage.

Thus, if you want to ensure safety of your family and want them to enjoy the clean shower bath then simply install the best home shower filter in town and enjoy the shower for rest of your life.

This entry was posted in Home Improvement on by dhega!.


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Egypt protests on anniversary of Mubarak's fall

CAIRO (AP) ? Security forces sprayed protesters with water hoses and tear gas outside the presidential palace Monday as Egyptians marked the second anniversary of the fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak's with angry demonstrations against his elected successor.

The forces were trying to disperse a small crowd of protesters after some of them attempted to cross a barbed wire barrier meant to block them from the palace gate. Some protesters chanted: "The people want to bring down the regime." Others threw stones.

Graffiti scribbled on the palace walls read: "Erhal" or "Leave," the chant that echoed through Cairo's central Tahrir Square during the 18-day uprising that ended with Mubarak stepping down on Feb. 11, 2011.

Earlier, masked men briefly blocked trains at a central Cairo subway station and a dozen other protesters blocked traffic with burning tires on a main overpass in Cairo. Hundreds rallied outside the office of the country's chief prosecutor demanding justice and retribution for protesters killed in clashes with security forces after Islamist President Mohammed Morsi took office last summer.

The protesters lobbed plastic bags filled with red liquid at the prosecutor's office to recall the blood spilled by civilians in clashes with security forces. His appointment by Morsi was criticized as a violation of the judiciary's independence. Another group of protesters locked shut the doors of the main administrative building for state services just outside the subway station at Tahrir Square.

Egypt has been gripped by political turmoil since Mubarak's ouster, in an uprising driven largely by anger over widespread abuse at the hands of state security agencies. After he stepped down, Mubarak was replaced by a ruling military council that was in power for 17 months. The rule of the generals was marred by violence and criticism that the council mismanaged the transitional period.

Morsi won the first free elections in June. But he and his Muslim Brotherhood, which rose to be Egypt's most powerful political group post-Mubarak, are now facing the wrath of Egyptians who drove the 2011 revolt but who say few of their goals have been realized.

For many in Egypt, the past two years have only increased frustration, with the economy deteriorating as political bickering between a largely secular opposition and a tightly organized and conservative Islamist bloc obstructed progress.

Protesters are particularly angry over the continued heavy handedness of security services, claiming little has changed since the Mubarak era. Many accuse Morsi and the Brotherhood of trying to monopolize power and ignoring the demands of the secular and liberal groups who were the backbone of the uprising.

On Monday, government opponents marched to Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the uprising which has been sealed off by protesters since November. Others went to the presidential palace. Hundreds also marched through the streets of Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city.

"Of course I feel disappointed. Every day it's getting worse," said Ahmed Mohamed, a 20-year-old engineering student protesting outside the presidential palace. "The economy is even worse and all government institutions are collapsing. Morsi won't even acknowledge this."

Doaa Mustafa, a 33-year-old housewife, said she is willing to stay on the streets until Morsi steps down, as Mubarak did.

"We're here so that Mohammed Morsi, the dictator, will leave. He is just as bad as Mubarak, if not worse."

The protesters are also demanding the amendment of the country's new constitution. They claim that Islamists rushed the charter through the approval process despite disagreement with the opposition. The result, they say, was a charter that undermines freedoms of expression and belief and chips away at women rights.

Some protesters are also demanding a new Cabinet, accusing the current government of being ineffective and failing to rein in police abuses or institute economic reforms. One of the most heated issues for protesters remains a lack of accountability for those responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians during protests against the state.

Morsi and his supporters have repeatedly dismissed the opposition's charges, accusing them and Mubarak supporters of trying to topple a democratically elected president.

After seven months in office, Morsi's popularity has fallen some 10 percent to 53 percent, according to pollster Magued Osman of the Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research. The poll was conducted via telephone interviews with more than 2,300 participants and had a margin of error of less than 3 percent. Only 39 percent of those polled said they would elect Morsi again if there were new elections, compared to 50 percent a month earlier.

Prominent opposition figure Amr Moussa urged Morsi to reconsider his views of the opposition, telling a late night TV program Sunday that it is "the wrong assessment" to view the rising street anger against Morsi as a "conspiracy" to topple him.

An increasingly violent wave of protests has spread outside of the capital in recent weeks as political initiatives failed to assuage the anger.

The recent explosion of violence began on the second anniversary of the start of the uprising on Jan.25.

It accelerated with riots in the Suez Canal city of Port Said by youths furious over death sentences issued against local soccer fans over a bloody stadium riot a year ago. Around 70 were killed in this wave of clashes, while violent mob attacks against women protesters increasingly marred gatherings at Tahrir Square.

On Monday, members of the human rights commission of the Islamist-dominated legislative assembly said women should have specific areas for protesting, criticizing them for rallying among men and in areas considered unsafe. They called for the passing of a new law to regulate protesting, and enable the police to protect women, according to the state news agency MENA.

Crowds at Monday's protests were relatively small and the violence muted.

Also on Monday, the U.S. urged protesters and security forces to show restraint and renewed a call for dialogue.

"We continue to support a broad dialogue between Egypt's leaders and the various political stakeholders to work through the various issues of concern, because there needs to be a strong national consensus in Egypt about the way forward," said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. "We want to see peace on the street."


AP writer Matt Lee contributed from Washington


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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

NFL plans weather contingencies for Super Bowl


Former Patriots wideout David Patten needed a few more classes to finish his degree at Western Carolina.

So the Catamounts went ahead and gave him a job.

The school announced they hired the 12-year NFL veteran?for a job on their coaching staff, with head coach Mark Speir citing the history and traditions of the program.

?We?re very excited that David Patten is joining our football coaching staff for the 2013 season,? Speir said. ?David will bring a lot of energy, knowledge and passion to our program. Having someone like David with 12 years of NFL experience and three Super Bowl rings around our players and coaches will be a tremendous asset and boost to our program.

?He knows what it takes to compete at a high level and it?s awesome to be able to have a guy on staff that came through our program at Western Carolina and excelled on the highest stage.?

Since he brought it up, and in the interest of full disclosure, a certain PFT writer (thumbs, this guy) went to a school familiar with that tradition, having graduated from in-state rival Appalachian State. And since Appalachian has won 26 of the last 28 meetings with Western Carolina, upholding the Catamount tradition is important.

To Appalachian fans, mostly.

On a serious note, bringing back respected players such as Patten can only add legitimacy to the program, and gives Patten a chance to begin his coaching career in a comfortable setting. We wish him the best of luck.


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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Iran rejects Western pressure on revolution anniversary

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday Tehran would not negotiate about its disputed nuclear program under pressure, but would talk to its adversaries if they stopped "pointing the gun".

In a speech to mark the 34th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, he struck a more conciliatory tone than Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who on February 7 rebuffed a U.S. call for direct negotiations between the two countries.

Ahmadinejad does not have the authority to authorize talks over the nuclear program, which lies with Khamenei. Iran has already agreed to a new round of talks with world powers, but not direct U.S. talks, in Kazakhstan on February 26.

"You cannot point a gun at the Iranian nation and then expect them to have negotiations with you," Ahmadinejad told a crowd gathered in the capital Tehran's Azadi (Freedom) Square.

His speech was carried live on state television.

"Talks should not be used as a lever to impose one's opinions ... If you stop pointing the gun at the Iranian nation, I will negotiate (with you) myself," he added.

The United States and some of its allies suspect Iran may be trying to develop atomic weapons capability under the cover of a civilian nuclear energy program, a charge Iran has denied.

Many experts believe any nuclear deal needs a U.S.-Iranian thaw and direct talks addressing myriad sources of mutual mistrust and hostility lingering since the 1979 Islamic Revolution and hostage crisis at the U.S. embassy in Tehran.


Tehran wants sanctions lifted that have slashed oil exports and helped cut the value of the Iranian rial, raising inflation and weakening purchasing power for ordinary Iranians.

People held banners saying "Down With U.S.A." at state-organized demonstrations in Tehran and other cities to mark the anniversary of the ousting of a Western-friendly monarchy in favor of clerical leadership under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Ahmadinejad did not address specifics of the planned talks in Kazakhstan. He said Iran would counter sanctions by boosting non-oil exports and weaning itself off crude oil revenues.

"Enemies are trying their utmost to put pressure on the Iranian nation to stop its progress but they will not succeed," he said.

Khamenei on Thursday rejected a U.S. offer of direct talks, saying talks and pressure were incompatible.

He was believed to have been replying to remarks by Vice President Joe Biden, who said on February 2 the United States was ready for direct talks if Iran was serious about negotiations.


The national celebrations are taking place a week after Ahmadinejad and his political rival, parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani, traded public accusations of corruption, an outbreak of infighting that is expected to grow more vicious as the country approaches presidential elections slated for June.

The parliament is dominated by a faction loyal to Khamenei and hostile to Ahmadinejad, who cannot stand for reelection.

Khamenei, Iran's unelected leader, has struggled to suppress rows among officials which have broken out into the open despite warning that such public spats were a betrayal of the country.

The last presidential election in 2009 set off mass protests at Ahmadinejad's victory, which opponents called fraudulent. Ahmadinejad is believed to have since lost Khamenei's backing.

In January, Khamenei's representative to the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Ali Saeedi, said it was part of the role of the Guards to "engineer" the elections.

Ahmadinejad, who is believed to want to maintain influence after stepping down, possibly by backing an ally as a candidate, appeared to warn against such efforts on Sunday.

"Some people say they want to engineer and manage the election," Ahmadinejad said. "The great Iranian nation knows which path to take ... some must not speak or act in such a way so as to play into the hands of Iran's deceitful enemies."

(Reporting By Yeganeh Torbati, Editing by William Maclean and Richard Meares)


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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Irvine Personal Trainers Offer Unique Strength and Conditioning ...

Irvine, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/06/2013 -- Health is wealth and everyone loves to treasure it for rest of their lives. That is the reason people work hard to stay fit and healthy. People normally hit gyms to build muscles, reduce weight or simply to stay fit but often it drive people lose interest because of same routine activity. But not anymore with personal trainers Irvine CA has to offer with unique strength and conditioning program by Innovative Results.

Innovative Results is not just another gym where array of machines and equipments sit in enclosed structure waiting for its customers to come and work out. It is also not a health club with all fancy and stylish facilities to attract its customers. It is a unique bootcamp where you are involved in series of innovative physical activities by highly trained physical trainers. There are many Irvine personal trainers but you need to be careful in choosing them as some of them are ot well trained themselves. A bad trainer is always bad for your health and fitness as they fail in understand what your body precisely needs to get toned.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

S&P expects US lawsuit over its mortgage ratings

(AP) ? The U.S. government is expected to file civil charges against Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, alleging that it improperly gave high ratings to mortgage debt that later plunged in value and helped fuel the 2008 financial crisis.

The charges would mark the first enforcement action the government has taken against a major rating agency involving the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

S&P said Monday that the Justice Department had informed the rating agency that it intends to file a civil lawsuit focusing on S&P's ratings of mortgage debt in 2007.

The action does not involve any criminal allegations. Critics have long complained about the government's failure to bring criminal charges against any major Wall Street players involved in the financial crisis. Criminal charges would require a higher burden of proof and carry the threat of jail time.

If S&P is eventually found to have committed civil violations, it could face fines and limits on how it does business.

S&P denies any wrongdoing and says any lawsuit would be without merit.

A federal lawsuit would "disregard" the fact that S&P reviewed the same data on risky mortgages as U.S. government officials, who said publicly in 2007 that the problems in the subprime mortgage market appeared to be limited, the company said in a statement.

In the statement, S&P said it "deeply regrets" that its ratings on some securities "failed to fully anticipate the rapidly deteriorating conditions in the U.S. mortgage market during that tumultuous time."

Justice Department spokeswoman Nanda Chitre declined to comment on the matter.

According to a report in the New York Times, the lawsuit will likely be brought this week after settlement talks between the Justice Department and S&P broke down last week. The talks collapsed over federal authorities' insistence that a settlement involve at least $1 billion, the Times reported.

Judges have previously thrown out claims brought by investors against the rating agencies, on the grounds that their ratings amount to free speech protected by the First Amendment.

But that argument hasn't always succeeded in cases involving investments like those in the expected S&P suit, according to research by the Brattle Group, a consulting firm. That's because those ratings weren't published widely, as most bond ratings are. As a result, several courts have ruled that those ratings do not enjoy free-speech protection.

S&P is a unit of New York-based McGraw-Hill Cos. McGraw-Hill's stock plunged nearly 14 percent Monday after reports surfaced about the government's expected lawsuit.

Moody's Corp., the parent of Moody's Investors Service, another rating agency, closed down nearly 11 percent. The two companies' stocks suffered the biggest percentage drops in the S&P 500 index, which finished down slightly more than 1 percent.

S&P, Moody's, and Fitch Ratings, the third major rating agency, have been blamed for helping fuel the financial crisis by assigning AAA ratings to trillions of dollars in risky securities backed by subprime mortgages. The securities collapsed once the housing bubble burst and home-loan delinquencies soared. Major U.S. banks absorbed tens of billions in losses.

The rating agencies are important arbiters of the creditworthiness of securities traded around the world. The grades they assign can affect a company's ability to raise or borrow money and how much investors will pay for securities it issues.

The securities in the anticipated federal lawsuit are collateralized debt offerings. CDOs are investment vehicles that contain many underlying mortgage loans.

A CDO generally gains in value if borrowers repay. But a wave of defaults can cause them to tumble in value. Soured CDOs contributed to, and intensified, the financial crisis.

Critics have long argued that rating agencies have an inherent conflict of interest: They're paid by the same companies whose products and credit they rate. The agencies have been accused of issuing unduly high ratings before the crisis, in part because of pressure from banks they desired as clients.

Associated Press


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IBM Slims Down Its Big Data Offerings -

I.B.M. is cutting the price on its least-expensive Power server computers by 50 percent, to under $6,000. The pricing move is one of a series of hardware and software announcements on Tuesday intended as a strategic push more broadly into the fast-growing market for Big Data technology and to tailor offerings for smaller businesses.

The overall market for Big Data technology ? hardware, software and services ? is projected to increase to $23.7 billion by 2016, from $8.1 billion last year, according to IDC, a market research firm. Every major technology company including Oracle, EMC, Microsoft, SAP Hewlett-Packard and SAS Institute, as well as an entire generation of start-ups, is chasing the opportunity to supply the tools of advanced data analysis and discovery to business.

I.B.M.?s Power servers run the company?s Power microprocessors. These chips were originally designed for big computers using I.B.M.?s proprietary version of the Unix operating system, AIX. Over the years, the company has developed specialized chips using the Power technology for other markets like video game consoles. The I.B.M. chips can be found in the game machines made by Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.

The I.B.M. Power servers also run Linux, the open-source version of Unix. And Linux is the preferred operating system for much Big Data software, notably Hadoop, the foundation layer that manages many distributed, data analysis applications.

But the hardware challenge for I.B.M. is that most Hadoop software is running on industry-standard servers, powered by chips from Intel or Advanced Micro Devices.

The price cut helps make the case for Big Data computing on I.B.M. Power servers, which are designed to juggle many computing tasks efficiently and reliably, a potential advantage in the data-analysis market. ?I.B.M. is bringing the actual price down to be very, very competitive,? said Jean S. Bozman, an analyst at IDC. ?And they have to do it.?

The lower price is also a bid for the small- and medium-size business market, as these companies seek to adopt Big Data computing. ?This brings the entry point down quite a bit and opens the way for more businesses to use Power technology as a preferred environment,? said Steven A. Mills, senior vice president for software and hardware systems at I.B.M.

One small company looking at using the I.B.M. technology for advanced data analysis is Westside Produce, which harvests, packs and markets cantaloupes for growers in California. The company, with 15 full-time employees and many seasonal contract workers, already runs its accounting, inventory and operations-management software on an I.B.M. Power server.

But Justin K. Porter, director of technology at Westside Produce, said his company would like to be able to more closely track and analyze all kinds of data, including harvest practices, weather patterns, shipments, melon sizes, and prices paid by specific supermarket chains and distributors. The goal, he said, would be to fine-tune operations and marketing to trim waste and improve profits.

?It?s definitely something that we?re going to look into,? Mr. Porter said.


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Monday, February 4, 2013

Seo hosting will be best one to get your website top ranking

Seo hosting will be best one to get your website top ranking
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Today on New Scientist: 1 February 2013

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In a case of nature's love of recycling, the remora's unique sucking disc headgear starts life as a bog-standard dorsal fin

Arabic programming language aims to open up coding

An Arabic version of a common programming language aims to open up software engineering to a wider audience that doesn't speak English

Abnormal gut bacteria linked to severe malnutrition

Faecal transplants reveal how gut bacteria have an important role to play in the onset and treatment of a form of malnutrition called kwashiorkor

Texas mega-battery aims to green up the grid

A giant battery built next to a Texas wind farm can bridge the gap between supply and demand, making renewable energy more viable

Scarred for life? The biology of childhood hardship

Suffering in our early years can have terrible after-effects - not only on us but also on our descendants. We're now closing in on how the biology works

Dinosaur-killing asteroid was a twin terror

The infamous space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs may have been a binary - two asteroids revolving around each other

US medical research chimps to retire to sanctuaries

Animal rights campaigners hail recommendations as a triumph, but loss of only animal model for hepatitis C could delay vaccine development

Feedback: Read this and you're caught

Legally binding glances, when the threat of disease isn't enough, the tiger that loves New Scientist, and more

Archimedes's favourite insight printed in 3D

A 3D printer has turned a famous mathematical proof into an object of the precise dimensions needed to demonstrate the genius of Archimedes

Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships

The combined power of two people's brains is better at completing certain tasks - and could even one day be used to control spacecraft

Swarm-mongering: Brainless blobs flock together

Swarming isn't just for fish, birds and biological creatures - plastic micro-blobs can do it too, thanks to a purely physical mechanism

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