Monday, December 31, 2012

Mixed results for college hoops in the Bay Area on Saturday

With four teams in action Saturday, California?s Bay Area shifted its attention away from the San Francisco 49ers and Stanford?s upcoming bowl game and over to college hoops, where fans got mixed results. Take a look at the recap below:

No. 1 Duke 90, Santa Clara 77

The Broncos kept it close early, trailing by only two at halftime, but Duke?s size buried Santa Clara in foul trouble in the second half. Senior Kevin Foster was impressive with 29 points on the afternoon, including 18 in the first half that almost single-handedly kept Santa Clara in the game.

Against the nation?s No. 1 team, an up-tempo style helped to minimize Duke?s size advantage in the first half and Foster?s hot shooting was key. But Foster picked up his third foul less than 10 seconds into the second half and the Blue Devils found a way to neutralize Santa Clara?s full-court game and grind it down to a half-court bout. Seth Curry?s hot shooting overextended the Santa Clara defense and pushed it out to the perimeter, opening up opportunities for center Mason Plumlee on the inside.

It was a valiant Santa Clara effort, but Duke proved to be too much. The tough loss showed that the Broncos are likely the fourth-best team in the WCC, trailing national power Gonzaga, St. Mary?s, and BYU.

San Francisco 93, Dominican Cal 76

Cole Dickerson had a double-double of 30 points and 10 rebounds as the Dons cruised to a win Saturday night by dominating in nearly every key statistical category. San Francisco shot 56 percent from the floor and outrebounded Dominican 42-25. It is a bounce-back win for the Dons after going 1-2 in the Diamond Head Classic in Hawaii over the Christmas holiday.

They open conference play on Jan. 2 against Santa Clara.

Stanford 65, Lafayette 59

Stanford was never able to put Lafayette away, thanks in large part to 11-of-19 shooting from three-point range for the Leopards. Stanford?s zone defense had a difficult time rotating to shooters and was giving too much space on the perimeter, allowing a smaller Lafayette team to stay in the game.

Poor Cardinal shooting from the perimeter (3-of-19) only amplified the offensive problems, but a late-game push to get the ball inside to junior Dwight Powell exploited Stanford?s size advantage. Had the Cardinal not outrebounded Lafayette by such a large 42-24 margin, we likely would have had an upset at Maples Pavilion.

Keep an eye on Josh Huestis, who continues to be an impact player and a complement to Powell on the interior. He narrowly missed a double-double Saturday, scoring eight points and grabbing 14 rebounds.

Harvard 67, California 62

Cal ran into many of the same problems against Harvard that Stanford did against Lafayette. Laurent Rivard and Wesley Saunders combined for 37 points, including 7-of-15 shooting from three-point range to extend the California defense and power an upset Saturday. Harvard was patient offensively and controlled the clock in the second half to dictate the pace and force the Bears into uncomfortable half-court sets.

Allen Crabbe turned in another high-scoring performance with 27 points on 10-of-18 shooting, but a short Cal rotation hurt Mike Montgomery?s team down the stretch. Both Crabbe and Justin Cobbs had bouts with cramps late in the second half, likely a result of Harvard milking each offensive possession and forcing Cal to play 35 seconds of defense nearly every time down the floor.

The Crimson continue to get production from freshman point guard Siyani Chambers, if not as a scorer than as a facilitator. He shot just 2-of-15 from the floor Saturday, but had nine assists and just two turnovers.

Daniel Martin is a writer and editor at?, covering St. John?s. You can find him on Twitter:@DanielJMartin_


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chicago registers its 500th homicide of 2012 ? the highest number since 2008

Public-housing and school policies, gang activity, access to guns, and budget cuts for social programs have all been cited as factors in Chicago?s homicide rate.

By Mark Guarino,?Staff writer / December 29, 2012

Young men walk past the barred window of a business in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood on Chicago's South Side. The violence in 2012 ? 500 homicides in the city so far ? has gripped a handful of neighborhoods, including this one.

Charles Rex Arbogast/AP


Rahm Emanuel?s first full year as Chicago mayor ends on a tragic note: The city marked its 500th homicide Thursday evening, making 2012 the deadliest year in the city since 2008.

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Overall, Chicago homicides are at a historic low compared to decades past ? 928 in 1991, for example. But the last time Chicago homicides topped 500 was in 2008, when the number was 513. After that, murders had been falling. In 2011, there were 433 homicides.

Why homicide rates trend up or down is not easily explained by a single year, and it most certainly requires examining a series of complex factors including systemic unemployment, economic disenfranchisement, easy access to weapons, and ? specifically in Chicago ? the dismantling of public housing that started two decades ago and has coincided with the closings of public schools in distressed neighborhoods.

?The public-housing and school policies did a lot to undermine the fabric of marginalized communities on the South and West Sides of Chicago. That unraveling of the fabric continues to drive the desperation, the depression, the self-medication that contributes to a lot of this violence,? says Lance Williams, assistant director of the Jacob C. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago.

2012 enters the record books. Were you paying attention? A news quiz.

School closings in impoverished neighborhoods and the increased push for privately operated charter schools became a major issue of contention during the public-teacher strike in September. The Emanuel administration has long said that while facing a ballooning budget deficit, it can?t afford to operate so many schools, especially those where student populations are dwindling.

Homicides in Chicago attracted national media attention early this summer when 7-year-old Heaven Sutton became the city?s 251st fatality, killed by a random bullet while operating her front-lawn candy stand on the city?s West Side. Mayor Emanuel and police superintendent Garry McCarthy blamed the growing violence on neighborhood gang factions, which they say are responsible for 80 percent of the shootings.

Gang factions are small groups that have splintered from the monolithic, often historic, crime organizations that date back decades. As many as 600 factions exist today, the Chicago Police Department says. Moreover, Chicago has surpassed Los Angeles in total gang membership and activity, crime experts say.


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Industry Insiders Reflect on Biggest Moments in IP for 2012 ...

It is that time of the year when reflections are made on the year that is about to pass, wishes are made for the new year, and a prediction or two start to pop from both amateur and professional?prognosticators alike. In years past we have done a?Patent Wishes article, which is currently in the works. This year I thought I would add an article that gave some industry insiders an opportunity to reflect upon the biggest moments in intellectual property for 2012.

Whenever I do something like this I keep my fingers crossed. The biggest moments in IP seem rather obvious to me, so will they to others? Will I wind up printing the same thing 5 or 6 times??The answer: Absolutely not! We had a very busy year, from Supreme Court decisions to failed legislation to fight piracy on the Internet, to important Federal Circuit cases and implementation of the America Invents Act.

Indeed, for this inaugural edition of?Biggest Moments in IP we have a variety of reflections on a wide array of IP issues. Former Commissioner for Patents Bob Stoll?walked through some of the biggest items on the patent docket for the year. Stephen Kunin?of Oblon Spivak gives us his Top 10 list in David Letterman style.?Former staffer to Senator Leahy (D-VT) and current lobbyist Marla Grossman?reflects on Senator Leahy?s decision to refuse the Chairmanship of the Senate Appropriations Committee to stay on as Chair of the Judiciary Committee. IP attorney and frequent feature contributor to Beth Hutchens?focuses on several copyright and first amendment issues, and reminds us of the battle that ensued to defeat SOPA.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did putting it together with these esteemed industry professionals.


Bob Stoll

Drinker Biddle
Former Commissioner for Patents, USPTO

2012 was a seminal year in patents. ?The biggest moment was September 16, 2012 when the new procedures for Inter Partes Review, Post Grant Review for Covered Business Methods and Supplemental Examination came into force. ?Whether you like these new procedures or not, they change the way we contest patents in the Office and provide for a new way of curing defects in our own patents. ?The large number of Inter Partes Reexaminations filed just before that changeover indicates that our patent community is concerned about operating in the new environment. ?But I am confident that the leadership of the USPTO will do their best to implement the new procedures in an effective manner and will be willing to improve the processes as they learn of problems.

Patent law was also the subject of significant judicial shaping during 2012. ?Near the end of the year, the Supreme Court granted cert on AMP v. Myriad which calls into question the patentability of isolated genes. ?The Supreme Court decision in that case during 2013 is widely expected to further narrow the scope of patent eligible subject matter. ?Earlier in the spring of 2012 the Supreme Court had decided Mayo v Prometheus which reviewed the boundary between patent eligible methods and laws of nature. ?It is notable that the Court seemed to analyze the patent eligibility issues under 35 USC 101 using obvious standards more appropriate under 35 USC 103. ?The CAFC taking CLS Bank v. Alice en banc to assess patent eligibility of computer implemented inventions was an important moment, as was the decision in Akami Technologies v. Limelight where the Court provided for induced infringement without proving that all of the steps were performed by a single entity.

Another important event of 2012 was the President signing into law on December 18, 2012 the Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs and the Patent Law Treaty related to patent application formalities. ?I have a special interest in these provisions as I signed them for the United States, acknowledging our intent to ratify them, ?at the conclusion of the negotiations back in 1992. ?Some things take time!


Stephen Kunin
Oblon Spivak?The end of any year provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the significant events of the year.? Humorist Dave Berry has the Washington Post Magazine as the forum for his reflections, whereas we have Gene Quinn?s IP Watchdog blog to express our reflections on the significant events in the IP world.? In the grand style of David Letterman I list my assessment of the biggest moments in 2012 that have had a major impact on our patent law.

10. The Federal Circuit in In re Staats, 671 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2012) held that applicants were entitled to continue filing continuing reissue applications with broadened claims after the original two-year period had expired.? Had the Federal Circuit affirmed the decision of the PTO?s Board it would have created a new prosecution laches style basis in patent law to refuse the grant of reissue patents.

9. The Federal Circuit in Aventis Pharma S.A. v. Hospira, 675 F.3d 1324 (Fed. Cir, 2012) concluded that inequitable conduct can be still be found under the heightened standards for materiality and specific intent enunciated in Therasense.? As a note to patent expert witnesses-the inequitable conduct defense is still alive albeit more difficult to prove.

8 The Federal Circuit in Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc. v. Hemcon, Inc., 672 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (en banc) concluded that no intervening rights are available unless a patent claim has been amended during reexamination.? Patent owners gave a sigh of relief when this decision issued.

7. Following a Supreme Court decision in Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd. v. Novo Nordisk A/S, 132 S.Ct. 1670 (2012) holding that a generic may force correction of an inaccurate Orange Book use code, the Federal Circuit held that the district court must permit the patent owner to propose specific language to correct the use code.? 2012 WL 3064737 (Fed. Cir. July 30, 2012)

6. In Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 686 F.3d 1348 (Fed.Cir. 2012) the Federal Circuit held that the Hatch-Waxman safe harbor applied to testing of batches of? a drug as required after FDA approval was reasonably related to the development of information to be reported to the FDA.? This decision further clarifies the scope of the experimental use exception.

5. The Federal Circuit in Akamai Techs., Inc. v. Limelight Networks, Inc,, 692 F.3d 1301 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (en banc), superseding 629 F.3d 1311 (Fed. Cir. 2010) changed the law of divided infringement.? The Court held that Limelight could be held liable for inducing infringement if it knew of the Akamai patent; performed all but one of the claimed method steps; induced others to perform the remaining step and others did perform the final step.

4. The Supreme Court decision in Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc., 132 S.Ct. 1289 (2012) levied a stunning blow to the field of personalized medicine.? The Court held that simply appending conventional steps even where physical matter if transformed was deemed insufficient absent novel and useful structure to make applications of laws of nature, natural phenomena and abstract ideas patentable.

3. The Federal Circuit?s decision to en banc rehear CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp. PTY Ltd., 2012 WL 4784336 (October 9, 2012) will dramatically impact subject matter eligibility determinations for computer implemented inventions directed to processes for practical applications of abstract ideas.? The implication on software implemented processes could be profound.

2. The Supreme Court?s renewed in interest in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 2012 WL 4508118 (November 30, 2012) may reshape the contours of patent eligible subject matter in the life sciences when it addresses the question of whether human genes are patentable.

1. 2012 was the year for the major implementation of most provisions of the America Invents Act.? Kudos to Director Kappos, Janet Gongola and the members of the PTO staff who labored tirelessly in promulgating the September 16, 2012 effective final rules, implementing new systems and procedures and providing timely guidance on the AIA micro-site.? We appreciate the efforts of the PTO to listen to public input and implement the AIA in a fair and balanced manner.


Marla Grossman
American Continental Group

?Holy Smokes, Batman!? Senator Leahy Chooses to Remain Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Rather than Chair the Senate Appropriations Committee.?

Perhaps no IP moment in 2012 was as momentous as when Batman aficionado and senior senator of Vermont, Patrick Leahy, announced on December 19 that he would forego the opportunity to Chair the Senate Appropriations Committee to remain Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he can continue his role as the steward of this nation?s patent and copyright laws.

The Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee wields tremendous power over copyright, patent and trademark law, and most every intellectual property law passed by Congress over the past few decades bears his mark.? ?Senator Leahy has served as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee since January 2007 and from June 2001 through January 2003.? Under his watchful eye, the innovative and creative industries in the US have flourished.

Senator Leahy was a lead author of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, which was signed into law on September 16, 2011.? This consensus legislation to reform the nation?s patent system was the most comprehensive reform to the US patent system in nearly six decades.

The senator, who is a published photographer and has appeared in two Batman movies, has been a leading voice in the enforcement of US intellectual property rights.? He authored the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act to enforce laws against stealing US intellectual property and was also a lead sponsor of the PROTECT IP Act, legislation to help protect American innovators and creators by cracking down on rogue websites dedicated to the sale of infringing or counterfeit goods.? He was a key author of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, enacted by Congress to protect copyright works while allowing Internet access and online service providers to flourish and has had a hand in every major legislative IP initiative in recent memory ? from the Copyright Term Extension Act, the Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act, the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act and the Performance Rights Act.

Is it any wonder that the state of Vermont is granted more patents per capita than any other state in the nation?? This small state has left a huge imprint on US patent and copyright laws, and its influence will most certainly continue now that Senator Leahy shocked and delighted the IP community by deciding to continue to Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.? ?Holy smokes, indeed!


Beth Hutchens

Hutchens Law
Featured Contributor on

I don?t think anyone would argue that patent law wasn?t huge in 2012.? The Apple/Samsung feud has certainly kept everyone mesmerized for the last several months- and rightfully so. ?But the non-patent side of intellectual property saw its fair share of the action.? In fact, there are issues rumbling around in my end of the sandbox that could have more of an impact on our daily lives than the technology in our smart phones. ?Here are three of the biggies from this year.

1. The Righthaven Takedown (or Was it a Smackdown)?? This could be the copyright case to end all copyright cases and it has been going on forever. ??Righthaven was a copyright holding company that in 2010 started filing lawsuits alleging online copyright infringement.? Lots of them.? While mass copyright infringement suits remain a contentious topic, Righthaven?s tactics went from questionable to downright bizarre.? The company all but tossed modern copyright jurisprudence out the window. ?This eventually led to the suits getting thrown out for issues that should have given pause to filing them in the first place? notably lack of standing and fair use.? But the damage had been done and, as of late, Righthaven is in some serious debt thanks to judgments against it, it has lost all of its assets (including the copyrights it was suing over), and is scrambling to find a way to avoid paying up.? The whole thing remains mired in the appeals process and it doesn?t look like the end is anywhere in sight for this hot mess of a case.

2. SOPA PIPA (the Wolves in Sheep?s Clothing).? SOPA (?Stop Online Piracy Act?) and PIPA (?Protect IP Act?) were the first major attempts by Congress to regulate the Internet.? The bills would have given the Justice Department the power to go after foreign websites accused of willfully committing or facilitating IP theft- even if there was only a suspicion of such activity.? The government would have been able to force U.S.-based Internet service providers, credit card companies, and online advertisers to cut off ties with those sites.? This was all under the guise of stopping piracy, so naturally the MPAA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce were all over it, but the overreaching nature of the bills was terrifying to say the least.? Teh Interwebz fought back and several sites (including Wikipedia, Reddit, WordPress, and Mozilla) went dark for 24 hours in protest.? SOPA and PIPA are now dead but OPEN (?Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade?) and the IAMA (?Internet American Moratorium Act?) have risen from the ashes.? Internet regulation promises to be a recurring nightmare so pay attention to what Congress is getting up to in the coming year.

3. Marco Randazza versus Crystal Cox (First Amendment Attorney Versus ?Investigative Blogger?).? We are starting to see more and more lawsuits being brought against bloggers for their online content, which is unfortunate, but this one is special.? In order to profit from her ?reputation management services? Ms. Cox bought a cadre of domains featuring Mr. Randazza?s name (such as marcorandazzasucks and other more pejorative terms that need not be repeated here).? The domains all pointed to lengthy screeds that were riddled with nasty, tasteless, and untrue things that give new meaning to the term ?Google bomb?. ?Not getting the reaction she hoped for Ms. Cox then targeted Randazza?s wife and did the same thing. ?Things got real when Cox went after Randazza?s little three-year-old daughter.? A UDRP (?Uniform Domain-Name Resolution Policy?) panel found that while there are big First Amendment protections for online content, cybersquatting and extortion don?t qualify. ?The case is now being heard in the District Court of Nevada where the judge just handed down a Temporary Restraining Order that prevents Cox from trafficking in, or registering, any more domains and requires her to fork over the existing ones.? This case has the potential to provide some very good precedent and it promises to be entertaining so get the popcorn ready and stay tuned.


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Workers Compensation Insurance For Colorado Roofing Companies To Rise

The Colorado roofing industry will experience increased rates to their workers comp insurance due to industry wide claims and rising medical expenses. ? Pricing for roofing contractors is already at an all time high as rates hitting .2155? based on the annual payroll .? This means if you have roofing employees with $50,000 of payroll your annual premium could be over $10,000 per year.? ?

There are limited insurance carriers willing to provide insurance for roofing contractors.? This means roofers must be careful with who they hire, safety procedures, and implement best practices to avoid claims, which could impact your annual premium.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Get your fill of the year's final full moon

The final full moon of the year rises on Friday night to cap a year of amazing lunar sky shows. While the bright moon will easily outshine other celestial objects, there is more than meets the eye to Earth's nearest neighbor.

The December full moon is also called the "long-night's moon" since it is the closest full moon to the northern winter solstice (when the nights are longest). This full moon will be visible for the longest amount of time.

From New York, for instance, moonrise on Thursday occurred at 4:17 p.m. ET, and the moon set at 7:12 a.m. Friday morning. That adds up to 14 hours and 55 minutes.

Moon-watching myth
Contrary to popular belief, the full moon not the best time to observe the moon with binoculars or a telescope.

Normally, even with just small optical power we can see a wealth of detail on its surface. But during the full moon phase, the moon appears flat and one-dimensional, as well as dazzlingly bright to the eye.

It is only later in the weekend and into next week that the moon's best features will stand out. As the moon wanes to its gibbous phase, and then to last quarter, those lunar features close to the terminator ? the variable line between the sunlit and darkened portions of the moon ? will appear to stand out in sharp, clear relief. [Amazing Moon Photos of 2012]

The moon will arrive at last quarter phase on Jan. 4 at 11:58 p.m. ET, when its disk will be exactly 50 percent illuminated.

How bright, the full moon?
How does the moon's brightness compare at that moment with when it's full? Most people may believe the moon is half as bright, but in reality astronomers say that the last-quarter moon is only one-eleventh as bright as full. This is because the moon is not a smooth sphere, but has a myriad of craters, mountains and valleys that cast long, distinct shadows across the lunar landscape.

Interestingly, a first-quarter moon is actually slightly brighter than a last-quarter moon, because at first quarter the illuminated half of the moon displays less of the dark surface features known as the "maria," popularly referred to as lunar seas.

And believe or not, it isn?t until just 2.4 days before or after full that the moon actually becomes half as bright as full!

Lunar cycles
Here are some interesting lunar calendar facts that the famed Belgian astronomical calculator Jean Meeus has compiled concerning the phases of the moon.

  1. Space news from

    1. Cassini orbiter captures Saturn's swirling storms

      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The storms of Saturn ripple through the frame of a black-and-white close-up captured by the Cassini orbiter on Christmas Eve.

    2. 2013 might be the year for first 'alien Earth'
    3. Mars rover spends holidays at 'Grandma's House'
    4. After setbacks, Russia boosts space spending

All are cyclical, the most noteworthy being the so-called Metonic Cycle that was independently discovered by the Greek astronomer Meton (born about 460 B.C.). This is a 19-year cycle, after which time the phases of the moon are repeated on the same days of the year, or approximately so.

Take, for instance, Friday?s full moon. Nineteen years from now, in 2031, there?ll be another full moon on Dec. 28.

Another moon cycle fact: After two years, the preceding lunar phase occurs on or very nearly the same calendar date. So in 2014, it will be the first-quarter moon that occurs on Dec. 28.

After eight years, the same lunar phases repeat, but occurring one or two days later in the year. Ancient Greek astronomers called this eight-year cycle the "octaeteris." Indeed, in 2020, a full moon occurs on Dec. 29.

Finally, in our Gregorian calendar, 372 years provides an excellent long-period cycle for the recurrence of a particular phase on a given date. Therefore, we know with absolute certainty that the same full moon that shines down on us on Dec. 28 of 2012 will also be shining on Dec. 28 in the year 2384.

So mark your lunar calendars, and enjoy the lunar display!

If you snap an amazing photo of the year's final full moon and would like to share it with for a potential story or gallery, submit photos and comments, including your name and location to managing editor Tariq Malik at:

Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for TheNew York Times? and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York. Follow on Twitter @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

? 2012 All rights reserved. More from


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

(Un) Perfect Holiday Cards

We didn?t send out holiday cards this year. I really, really wanted to, but I just never ended up with that perfect shot that said ?my family might be slightly dysfunctional, but just look how adorable they are!!?

Looking back at my pictures, however, I did end up with quite a few that pretty accurately illustrate my family from this past year?


Kind of wishing we?d captured that perfect family shot instead.


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2013 Toyota Avalon to offer Qi wireless charging


Buyers of the 2013 Toyota Avalon can do away with car chargers and their spaghetti of wires, because the full-size sedan is the first car in the world to be made available with Qi wireless charging. The feature is included in a Technology Package which can be specified on both petrol and hybrid versions of the Avalon in Limited trim.

Qi is the global standard for wireless power and charging. In a manner not dissimilar to the Chinese principle of the flow of life energy, devices are magically charged just by placing them on, or near, any Qi-enabled surface. OK, it?s not completely magic ? a fair bit of electromagnetic induction is involved.

Supplied by DENSO, the Avalon?s system utilises technology developed by ConvenientPower and Philips Lite-on Digital Solution. All the driver has to do is throw a switch to activate it, place his/her phone on the high-friction surface built into the centre console and charging begins.


Qi wireless charging is now available for 34 mobile phone models, including the LG Google Nexus 4, Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC Windows Phone 8X.

The concept of charging without cables is not new ? in 2010,?Delphi Automotive and WiTriCity announced work on a range of?wireless charging products for EVs and Johnson Controls? ie:3 concept car featured a system similar to the one in the 2013 Avalon.

More recently, Hyundai previewed its Connectivity Concept, which does more than just charge your phone, but it?ll be some time before that makes production reality.



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Hawaii Democrats to recommend 3 for US Senate seat

HONOLULU (AP) ? Hawaii Democrats on Wednesday were meeting to pick three names to forward to Gov. Neil Abercrombie as he considers an appointee to replace the late U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye.

One by one, 13 of 14 candidates briefly made their cases before the state party's central committee in a meeting at the party's headquarters in small mall east of downtown Honolulu. Those not present made their cases in video messages, including U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, a frontrunner for the job thanks to Inouye himself.

The committee then met in private to name three finalists, picking the first three candidates who receive majority support from the committee.

Under Hawaii law, Abercrombie gets to make the final selection from the narrowed crop. The state party gets to pick three candidates because Inouye was a Democrat.

Before he died last week, Inouye pushed to be replaced by Hanabusa. He told Abercrombie in a letter it was his last wish.

Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz and incoming U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard have also put in for the job, along with several candidates who hold smaller state offices.

The appointee will serve until a general election in 2014, when an election will be held to fill the seat through 2016, the end of Inouye's original term.

Hanabusa, 61, said in a video message played at the meeting that she's honored to have Inouye's support but she also is qualified to assume the seat and hit the ground running.

"Not one of us has any favorable rights to that position," Hanabusa said.

A member of the central committee gave a "Jersey Shore"-style fist pump as Hanabusa was introduced.

Schatz, 40, said that if appointed, he would try to make being a U.S. senator his life's work. Both he and Gabbard, 31, stressed the need to build up seniority over decades.

Gabbard spent part of Christmas Day tweeting and sharing messages of support for her candidacy through her campaign website. Among others, Newark, N.J., mayor Cory Booker said on Twitter that Gabbard should get the appointment.

It's not clear how much weight Abercrombie will give Inouye's letter as he considers his pick. His office has also not given a timetable for the selection, though Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urged he make the selection quickly so the pick can take part in important votes at the end of the year, including legislation on the so-called fiscal cliff crisis.

The meeting included some lighter moments as longshot candidates took turns pleading their cases.

Timothy Hogan, the first candidate to speak, said he was a party faithful who would not run again in 2014. He said he wanted to serve as a "caretaker" for the seat for the party.

A woman who had called into the meeting by phone responded: "What about the seniority of the seat, you idiot," which drew gasps, laughs and calls from the audience to ask those who called in to mute their lines.

Another candidate, Antonio Gimbernat, called in from Maui and described himself as 44 years old, heterosexual, single with no kids and someone who likes to surf and play the ukulele. He said he has been sober for 12 years.

"TMI, dude," responded an audience member in the room.


Becky Bohrer can be reached on Twitter at


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10 Things to Know for Today

The dome of St. Peter's Basilica, center, is framed by a Christmas tree at the Vatican Monday, Dec. 24, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has lit a Christmas peace candle set on the windowsill of his private studio overlooking square. Pilgrims, tourists and Romans gathered below in St. Peter's Square for the inauguration Monday evening of a Nativity scene and cheered when the flame was lit. Later, he will appear in St. Peter's Basilica to lead Christmas Eve Mass. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

The dome of St. Peter's Basilica, center, is framed by a Christmas tree at the Vatican Monday, Dec. 24, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has lit a Christmas peace candle set on the windowsill of his private studio overlooking square. Pilgrims, tourists and Romans gathered below in St. Peter's Square for the inauguration Monday evening of a Nativity scene and cheered when the flame was lit. Later, he will appear in St. Peter's Basilica to lead Christmas Eve Mass. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

A house burns Monday, Dec. 24, 2012 in Webster, New York. A former convict set a house and car ablaze in his lakeside New York state neighborhood to lure firefighters then opened fire on them, killing two and engaging police in a shootout before killing himself while several homes burned. Authorities used an armored vehicle to evacuate the area. (AP Photo/Democrat & Chronicle, Jamie Germano)

FILE - In this Saturday, March 3, 1984 file photo, from left, actors Charles Durning, Eliott Gould and Screen Actors Guild President Ed Asner take a break before the filming of the 50th Anniversary Special celebrating the guild in Santa Monica, Calif. Durning, the two-time Oscar nominee who was dubbed the king of the character actors for his skill in playing everything from a Nazi colonel to the pope, died Monday, Dec. 24, 2012 at his home in New York City. He was 89. (AP Photo/Heung Shing Liu)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and stories that will be talked about today:


An ex-con guns down two firefighters after luring them to his upstate New York neighborhood by setting a car and a house ablaze.


Benedict XVI asked that people make room for religion in their hectic, technology-driven lives.


People have donated toys, books and money to the Connecticut town since the Dec. 14 school shooting.


Durning, a World War II hero, starred in "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas" and "Tootsie" and was nominated twice for Oscars.


The increases mainly affect the wealthy and the health care industry and kick in on Jan. 1.


Dozens of Jews who claim to be the descendants of a biblical tribe emigrated from their northeastern Indian village.


An international envoy indicates no progress had been made toward ending the civil war after meeting with Assad.


Obama worked out at the Marine Corps base gym, golfed and met up with his family at a Hawaii beach.


Dylan Smith, a 23-year-old lifeguard who used his surfboard to ferry people to safety in New York's Rockaways , dies in a surfing accident.


Movie Critic Christy Lemire says the big-screen version of the musical is "enormous and sprawling and not the slightest bit subtle."

Associated Press


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Science News Daily || Netflix says video streaming service hit by ...

An issue with Amazon's web servers took down Netflix for some subscribers as they settled into watch festive movies on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.Amazon Web Services, which hosts a massive array of the world's most popular online services, said it is experiencing an issue with the Elastic Load Balancing Service on the east coast of the United States.The fault restricted access to Netflix "on some, but not all devices" at perhaps the most important time of the year, as families gather to catch-up on old classics.Some users testing out the the streaming platform with new gadgets and activating new subscriptions received as Christmas gifts will also have been disappointed.Prime stays onlineNetflix tweeted on Christmas Eve to say: "We're sorry for the Christmas Eve outage. Terrible timing! Engineers are working on it now." However, the company is likely to be furious with Amazon.In a further twist, the rival Amazon Prime Instant Video service has reportedly remained online throughout the vill

Netflix outage mars Christmas Eve

The company's video streaming service went down for an unknown number of people across the U.S. yesterday. The outage apparently has continued into Christmas morning. [Read more]

Tue 25 Dec 12 from CNET


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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How to cope with a slow connection away from home

4 hrs.

Q. ?I'm going home for the holidays, and my parents have a very slow connection. Do you have any tips for getting my work done effectively when everything's moving slower than molasses??

Separate your Internet-heavy work and postpone it?
Before you start making tweaks to your browser and computer, it's a good idea to take stock of what work you have and separate it into two categories. GigaOM explains:

Divide your tasks into bandwidth-heavy and bandwidth-light. Evaluate your routine web tasks and see which ones you can do with a slow connection, and which ones require a faster, more reliable one. This is especially important if your mobile Internet provider charges based on bandwidth usage instead of time. Aliza Sherman did something similar in a previous post, to help her work around bandwidth limits.

This is particularly useful if you know you're going to be stuck on a slow connection, but even if you get yourself in a bind, you can still do some re-prioritization quickly. If you have some Internet-heavy tasks that can't wait, you should delegate them to someone else if you can???heck, even offer to pick up some of your co-workers' Internet-light load if they can help you out.

Tweak your browser for low-speed connections
Chances are, your browser isn't exactly primed for slow Internet speeds. So, we recommend grabbing a second browser that you can tweak to work better with slow connections. Opera is a great choice, because it has a Turbo Mode that optimizes the Web for faster loading, but no matter what, there are a number of tweaks you can make to speed up your browser, like:

With these few tweaks in place, you should find things run a little smoother and you won't be stuck waiting for pages quite as long.

Use mobile, HTML or other low-footprint sites
These days, a lot of websites load up their pages with junk that isn't really a problem when you have a normal high-speed connection, but can really bog things down when your connection is limited. Some of them have alternatives in place.?

Gmail, for example, has a handy HTML version that you can use to cut down on the crap when you need to get into your email quicker. You can also see if a specific site has a mobile version, designed for smartphones. Most mobile sites will only load if you're actually on a mobile device, though, so you'll want to change your browser's user agent to make sites recognize you as a smartphone.

Work outside your browser whenever possible
The?more you stay in your browser, the longer you'll be waiting for pages to load. Travel website Gadling recommends transferring as much of that work outside your browser as possible. For example, if you write on a blog or do any work in Google Docs, transfer that to a desktop app like Microsoft Office or LibreOffice for the time being. Heck, you can even compose an email in Notepad while you wait for it to load???don't waste any time watching a progress bar when you could be doing something else.

When you do have to work in your browser, try not to put too much stress on it. Open one tab at a time, so you aren't trying to load a bunch of pages at once (since it'll take them longer, and you can only read one at a time). Close tabs you aren't using often, as they can often take up bandwidth even if you aren't looking at them.

Turn off bandwidth-sucking background apps?
With all the focus on your browser, you may forget that other apps like Dropbox might be taking up precious bandwidth in the background. Close any and all of those you don't need to do your work, or put them into offline mode so they aren't constantly checking if they need to sync. Some apps may require some foresight for this to work: Notational Velocity and ResophNotes will work fine without a connection, for example, but Evernote will require you to go into its settings and download your notebooks before it'll work in offline mode.

When all else fails, find better Wi-Fi?
No one wants to rush around all day trying to find better Internet, but if what you're using is just too slow, look elsewhere. Free Wi-Fi is everywhere, and if at first you don't succeed, find a faster hotspot. You won't be able to do this all day if you have work to get done, but you should be able to find something that's somewhat workable for the time being.

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Samsung bumps out Nokia as top phone maker

The year belongs to Samsung when it comes to worldwide phone shipments: The Korean megacorp unseated 14-year champ Nokia as top phonemaker, and took a "decisive lead" over Apple in smartphones, according to a ear end report from IHS iSuppli. Samsung is expected to account for 29 percent of all phones shipped in 2012, up from 24 percent in 2011, while Nokia drops from 30 percent a year ago to 24 percent now.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Cancer Immunotherapy Where Are We Going?

The compelling concept of utilizing the patient's own immune system for a stronger and more effective way to attack cancer cells is not a new one. William Coley observed in 1891 that infections produced in patients with inoperable cancer following an injection of streptococcal organisms (Gram-positive bacteria) led to tumor shrinkage especially when the patients developed fever and other signs of a full-blown infection.1 Since then, research has embraced approaches to "train" the patient's own immune system to recognize certain biomarkers or proteins that are mainly found on cancer cells and to destroy the cells.

After several setbacks the first cellular immunotherapy, Dendreon's Sipuleucel-T (Provenge(R)), was approved for the treatment of prostate cancer in 2010. Today, new promising cancer immunotherapy approaches are in clinical trials. Most recently, researchers at the 54th American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting reported early success with a developmental-stage cell-based cancer vaccine for the treatment of leukemia and have shown remission in several patients 2,3, including a 7-year old girl who relapsed twice after chemotherapy. Cancer immunotherapy can be thought of as either active or passive immunotherapy. The most prominent passive immunotherapies, which have revolutionized cancer therapy, are monoclonal antibodies that either target tumor-specific antigens and receptors or block important pathways central to tumor growth and survival. Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are the market leader in the targeted cancer therapy space and include blockbusters such as trastuzumab (Herceptin(R)) or rituximab (Rituxan(R)). In general, antibodies are significant elements of the body's adaptive immune system. They play a dominant role in the recognition of foreign antigens and the stimulation of the immune response. Therapeutic antibodies target and bind to antigens, usually proteins that are mainly expressed on diseased cells such as cancer cells. After binding, cancer cells can be destroyed by different mechanisms such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, the activation of the complement system -- an important part of the immune system -- and triggering cell death. Although very successful, especially in oncology, therapeutic antibodies have a significant limitation: they don't generate a memory response by the immune system, and thus, repeated antibody infusions are required. Further, monoclonal antibodies are only able to recognize specific proteins present of the cell surface. Monoclonal antibodies are mostly produced in cell culture systems which are often costly. Humanization of murine monoclonal antibodies by replacing of certain parts of the antibody with human sequences has improved the tolerability of antibodies and made them less immunogenic, but even fully human sequence-derived antibodies can carry some immunological risk. Novel approaches in the passive immunization strategy include antibody drug conjugates, a combination of targeting antibody with a very potent drug such as the recently approved brentuximab vedotin (ADCETRIS(TM)) for Hodgkin lymphoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). ADCETRIS comprises an anti-CD30 monoclonal antibodyanti-CD30 monoclonal antibody and a cytotoxic (cell-killing) agent that is released upon internalization into CD30-expressing tumor cells. Currently, the development of next generations of ADCs is underway. Alternatively, specific and durable cancer immunotherapies designed to actively "train" or stimulate the patient's intrinsic immune response have been more problematic; however, recent success stories, such as the cell-based immunotherapy Provenge, have revitalized this field. Dendreon's approach modifies the patients' own dendritic cells to present a protein specific to prostate cancer cells. Dendritic cells are the most potent, "professional" antigen-presenting cells. They process the antigen material and present it on their surface to other cells of the immune system. Once activated, the dendritic cells migrate to the lymphoid tissues where they interact with T-cells and B-cells -- white blood cells and important components of the immune system -- to initiate and shape the adaptive immune response. To develop Provenge, each patient's own dendritic cells are harvested and then loaded ex vivo with the tumor-associated antigen. Now "presenting" the antigen, the dendritic cells are administered back into the patient to induce a potent, cell-mediated anticancer immune response resulting in tumor shrinkage and clinical benefit. In another experimental approach for the treatment of leukemia, patients' own modified T-cells were infused back into the patients. Prior to this, the T-cells were transduced with a lentivirus to express the CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor. CD19 is an antigen which is found on B-cell neoplasms, cancerous B-cells, and the lentivirus was the vehicle to transfer the genetic material for CD19 into the cells. A case report published in the New England Journal of Medicine stated that a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was in ongoing remission 10 months after treatment.3 These promising results have spurred continued research for new and safe ways to achieve effective tumor vaccination, and drug developers have explored many cancer immunotherapy strategies. To generate an effective antitumor immunity, therapeutic intervention should drive several functions; specifically, it should promote the antigen presentation functions of dendritic cells, promote the production of protective T-cell responses, stimulate B-cells and overcome immunosuppression characteristics that are common to tumor cells.4 Cell-based therapeutic vaccines are most frequently produced outside the patient's body and involve isolation of the specific cells, such as dendritic cells, and the introduction of preselected antigens, often with the use of specific vehicle, into the cells. The antigens can be encoded in viral vectors (frequently DNA) or administered as peptides or proteins in a suitable adjuvant and carrier through a long and cumbersome process. During my doctoral thesis, I conducted immunization experiments using RNA as a negative control, assuming that the RNA would be degraded during the experiment thus making it impossible to use as a vaccine. The physiological role of messenger (m) RNA is to transfer genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where this information is translated into the corresponding protein. mRNA is known to be very unstable and has a relatively short half-life. But astonishingly, we were able to measure a solid T-cell immune response. We repeated the experiment and confirmed that the RNA we had produced had the potential to be used as a vaccine. Importantly, we didn't need to isolate the patients' cells: mRNA-based vaccines can be injected directly into the skin (intradermal). The mRNA-based vaccines are then taken up by antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, and are then able to induce an immune response. Importantly, mRNA-vaccines can also be synthesized quickly for any antigen sequence identified.5 The first mRNA-based vaccines (RNActive(R)) are now in the clinic for the treatment of prostate cancer and lung cancer and have demonstrated that they do what they are supposed to do - induce a balanced humoral, as well as T cell-mediated, immune response that is entirely HLA independent. The HLA (human leukocyte antigen) system is used to differentiate the body's own cells (self) and non-self cells. Additionally, RNA-vaccines do not need a vehicle such as a virus for delivery to the cells, nor do they contain virus-derived elements that are often found in DNA-vaccines. These attributes make RNActive a very safe therapeutic. The risk of integration of the RNA into the host-genome is minimized (RNA would have been transcribed first to DNA, and then it has to be transported to the nucleus), as is the residual risk of DNA-based vaccines for inactivating or activating genes or affecting cellular regulatory elements, which can induce oncogenesis. Thus, the favorable safety profile of mRNA-based therapies broadens their potential use not only for the treatment of diseases but for use as prophylactic vaccinations. A recent proof-of-concept study using mRNA-based vaccines (RNActive) in animal models for influenza was published in Nature Biotechnology.6 Therapeutic cancer immunotherapies and vaccines have come a long way, and novel, promising approaches give hope for safe and effective treatment options. This may one day lead to the treatment of all cancers as chronic diseases. Literature 1Kirkwood JM, Butterfield LH, Tarhini AA, Zarour H, Kalinski P, Ferrone S: Immunotherapy of cancer in 2012. CA Cancer J Clin. 2012 2June CH, Blazar BR: T-Cell Infusions: A New Tool for Transfusion Medicine That Has Come of Age. Presentation at 54th ASH Annual Meeting 2013 3Porter DL, Levine BL, Kalos M, Bagg A, and June CH: Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Modified T Cells in Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia. N Engl J Med 2011 4Mellman I, Coukos G, Dranoff G: Cancer immunotherapy comes of age. Nature. 2011 Petsch B, Schnee M, Vogel AB, Lange E, Hoffmann B, Voss D, Schlake T, Thess A, Kallen KJ, 5Hoerr I, Obst R, Rammensee HG, Jung G: In vivo application of RNA leads to induction of specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and antibodies. Eur J Immunol. 2000 6Petsch B, Schnee M, Vogel AB, Lange E, Hoffmann B, Voss D, Schlake T, Thess A, Kallen KJ, Stitz L, Kramps T: Protective efficacy of in vitro synthesized, specific mRNA vaccines against influenza A virus infection. Nat Biotechnol. 2012 ? Follow Scientific American on Twitter @SciAm and @SciamBlogs. Visit for the latest in science, health and technology news.
? 2012 All rights reserved.


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Techno Legal News: Legal Firms In New Delhi India

Legal field around the world is growing. Law is a very complicated and vast area and with the amalgamation of information and communication technology (ICT), law has taken a new shape. New areas like cyber law, cyber forensics, cyber security, e-discovery, e-commerce, etc have been emerging. However, there are very few legal institutions that cover these technical areas of law. The fact is that law is today a techno legal filed where both technical and legal fields have merged. Naturally, finding good techno legal firms in India and other parts of the world is really tough. Many have expressed the opinion that there is an urgent need to have a comprehensive Indian law database that can serve the legal requirements of various stakeholders. For instance, if you are looking for a cyber law firms in New Delhi India, the platform of Perry4Law and PTLB would provide you a link of the same where not only details about Indian cyber law firms would be provided but also legal position of cyber law and related fields would also be discussed there. In short not only details about various law firms would be there but also brief discussion about the respective field would be provided so that basic level legal information is available to the reader or viewer. You can see the law firms in New Delhi India segment of Perry4Law and PTLB for more information.

The platform main objective is to provide comprehensive and holistic information to the readers and viewers about the initiatives of Perry4Law and PTLB. Further, relevant links have also been provided so that readers can have a readymade reference resource at their disposal.

Gradually, the platform would cover diverse techno legal fields as are managed by Perry4Law/PTLB and other firms. This is a really ambitious and useful initiative and it is certainly going to be really useful for both national and international stakeholders.


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Delhi rape exposes the perils of being a woman in India ...


By Harmeet Shah Singh and Mallika Kapur, CNN

NEW DELHI (CNN) ? Bhavyaa Sharma feels vulnerable in the Indian capital.

The 19-year-old student at a leading women?s college in New Delhi fears for her safety when she leaves the campus. Sexual assaults on women in the city have horrified her and her female friends.

On Sunday, a 23-year-old woman was gang-raped and beaten to near death on a moving bus in New Delhi, police say. She is in intensive care at a city hospital, battling for her life.

The attack sparked furious protests across India, where official data show that rape cases have jumped almost 875% over the past 40 years ? from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 in 2011.

New Delhi alone reported 572 rapes last year and more than 600 in 2012.

?I feel vulnerable here,? said Sharma, accompanied by her classmates. ?I am very sure about it. Delhi is not safe for women.?

Sharma is from Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state. She joined Miranda House, a women?s residential college in New Delhi, in 2010. She?s now close to graduation.

But her stay in the Indian capital hasn?t been without a bitter experience. She says she was groped while commuting in a bus in this city.

?It wasn?t traumatic. But I cannot forget it, either. Definitely, I cannot forget it,? Sharma said.

She called her parents back home that day, who tried to comfort her. Still, she couldn?t hold back her tears. ?I cried the entire night,? she said.

Her hostel colleagues shared their own encounters with unwanted behaviors on the streets of New Delhi.

In her first year of college, a group of men stalked Shweta Prakash, 20, and her friends every night they would leave their apartment for dinner.

?It actually freaks you out when people do such things to you ? eye-teasing, passing lewd comments and stalking you. They literally rape you with their eyes,? she said.

Now, she keeps pepper spray and has enrolled in self-defense taekwondo programs.

Prakash and her friends hold each others? hands while walking and text license plate numbers and their location to their parents and others when they travel in a cab or a slow-moving auto-rickshaw.

As young girls, elders, too, faced similar attitudes, which they say only worsened as the city and the country grew.

?I can speak about my own experience, as a student, in this city ? people are pinching you, touching you, someone is coming close to you. This is absolutely the mentality where you look at a woman as an object of sex and (which) you use and abuse,? rights activist Ranjana Kumari said.

As furor about Sunday?s assault rose, some Indian lawmakers even called for treating rape as a capital crime.

The country?s human rights body shot off notices to city police and federal authorities, demanding an explanation of the latest sexual assault.

?The incident has raised the issue of declining public confidence in the law and order machinery in the city, especially in its capacity to ensure safety of women, as a number of such incidents have been reported in the national capital in the recent past,? the National Human Rights Commission said in a statement Tuesday.

Five people, including the bus driver and a minor, have been arrested in connection with Sunday?s rape, New Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.

Meantime, some observers say anti-women acts in India stem from the country?s largely patriarchal social setup.

Indians? preference for sons over daughters, for example, has manifested itself in a worrisome population imbalance. The 2011 census of the world?s second-most populous nation recorded an alarming drop in the percentage of girls among country?s preschoolers.

For every 1,000 boys up to 6 years old, the census counted 914 girls, a drop from 927 a decade ago.

It?s illegal in India to abort a child because of its sex, but such abortions happen, often aided by illegal clinics.

?The reasons for the high number of female feticide in India include a deep-rooted traditional son preference, continued practice of dowry and concern for safety of the girl child and exploitation and abuse of women and girl children,? Krishna Tirath, India?s women and child development minister, acknowledged in parliament in March 2011.

A senior legal expert says legislation alone cannot resolve anti-women biases.

?More law will only serve to give a sense of something being done, when in fact very little is being done. To confront the hatred that is now manifesting itself in the most egregious ways is to move forward as a society,? Ratna Kapur, a professor at Jindal Global Law School, wrote in The Hindu newspaper Wednesday.

?We need to think about how we can handle women?s equality in ways that are not perceived as threatening. That demands greater responsibility on the part of parents as well as society not to raise sons in a way in which they are indoctrinated with a sense of superiority and privilege. There is also a need on the part of young men to be actively involved in their schools and communities in advocating women?s equality rights,? she added in her opinion column, headlined ?Rape and the crisis of Indian masculinity.?


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The Civil Wars Are Making New Music; Band Back Together?

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Zac Efron wore a warm blue coat as he filmed scenes for "Are We Officially Dating?" in NYC. The dapper actor looked laid back as he spent time working on the set on Dec. 20.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Katie Holmes arrived for rehearsals for her Broadway play in NYC on Dec. 19, the day after celebrating her 34th birthday. The "Dead Accounts" star rang in her special day with daughter Suri.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Uma Thurman went for shades of gray in a suit and sweater, as she arrived at the 10th Annual Tibet House Charity Auction in New York City on Dec. 18.

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    "Glee" co-stars and couple Lea Michele and Cory Monteith left the Arclight Theatre after watching "Argo" in Hollywood, Calif., on Dec.18.

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    "Silver Linings Playbook" star Bradley Cooper and his mother Gloria arrived on a flight from Los Angeles at Heathrow Airport in London on Dec. 18.

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    Julianna Margulies, star of "The Good Wife", was seen out for a stroll in Soho, New York City on Dec. 18.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Tom Cruise greeted fans before appearing on "The Late Show with David Letterman" in NYC on Dec. 17.

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    AnnaLynne McCord hit the beach wearing a bikini on the set of "90210" in Los Angeles, Calif., on Dec. 17.

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    Blake Lively at the 12-12-12 Concert benefitting the victims of Hurricane Sandy at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Dec. 12.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Cate Blanchett attended the premiere of "The Hobbit" at Odeon Leicester Square in London on Dec. 12. She wowed in a white, backless dress.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Taye Diggs and Busy Philipps announced the nominations for the 19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at the Pacific Design Center on Dec. 12 in West Hollywood, Calif.

  • Celebrity News: December 2012

    Drew Barrymore debuted her daughter Olive on the cover of People's magazine's latest issue.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Amanda Seyfried made an appearance on "The Late Show With David Letterman" in New York City on Dec. 11. Gorgeous!

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    A makeup-free Jessica Biel, aka Mrs. Timberlake, bundles up against the winter chill as she heads out and about in New York City

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Kate Walsh showed off her bikini body as she spent the day on the beach in Miami, Fla., on Dec. 11.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jessica Alba picked up some coffee and cake on the way to her office in Santa Monica, Calif., on Dec. 11.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Anne Hathaway wore bondage boots at the New York premiere of "Les Miserables" at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City on Dec. 10.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jessica Chastain wowed at the premiere of "Zero Dark Thirty" at the Dolby Theatre on Dec. 10 in Los Angeles, Calif.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Tom Cruise walked the red carpet for the first time since his divorce from Katie Holmes at the world premiere of 'Jack Reacher' at The Odeon Leicester Square on Dec. 10 in London.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    A reportedly pregnant Jessica Simpson wore sky-high heels as she went shopping in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Dec. 10.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    "Diamonds" singer Rihanna looked ravishing in red as she left a recording studio on Dec. 10 in Paris, France.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Denise Richards stocked up on Jell-o Pudding for her Mayan End of the World Party at her local grocery store in Los Angeles, Calif., on Dec. 10.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Russell Simmons and his model girlfriend Hana Nitsche enjoyed the warm weather as they get close during a day at the beach in Miami Fla., on Dec. 9.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Eva Longoria looked gorgeous while arriving to the Noble Gift Gala held at the ME Hotel in London on Dec. 8.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    "Jersey Shore" stars Paul" DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio and Vinny Guadagnino pose for a photo with MTV reporter Sway Calloway during Pauly D's DJ set at the Pool After Dark, Harrah's Atlantic City on Dec. 8.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Justin Bieber performed onstage during Z100's Jingle Ball 2012, presented by Aeropostale, at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 7 in NYC.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    A slimmed-down "True Blood" star Anna Paquin kept her baby twins covered up as she went for a walk on Dec. 7 in Venice, Calif.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson hit the streets of Los Angeles, Calif., to look for a new place for their growing family on Dec. 6. Simpson is reportedly expecting her second child ... but we'll have to wait and see!

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Owen Wilson casually made his way into his hotel after attending Art Basel in Miami, Fla., on Dec. 6.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jennie Garth showed eBay's new way to give and get the season?s hottest toys with mobile at The eBay Toy Box in New York City on Dec. 6.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Pink wore a sheer top as she arrived at the BBC Radio Studios in West London on Dec. 5.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Kristin Cavallari attended the launch of Chinese Laundry by Kristin Cavallari in New York City on Dec. 4.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    "Spring Breakers" actress Selena Gomez was seen leaving a medical center in Los Angeles, Calif., on Dec. 4. Last night, Gomez was spotted out with her on-again boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jessica Biel was full of smiles as she stopped by "Good Morning America" in New York City on Dec. 4.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Taylor Swift walked the carpet at the 2012 Ripple of Hope Gala hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights held at the Marriott Marquis, New York on Dec. 3.

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Connie Britton worked with Cur?l Skincare and Direct Relief International to pass out relief packages for Hurricane Sandy victims in New York City on Dec. 3. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!

  • Celebrity Photos: December 2012

    Jennifer Garner gets breakfast with her son Samuel, daughter Seraphina and her mother-in-law Chris at the Brentwood Country Mart on Dec. 3 in Brentwood, Calif.

  • Celebrity News: December 2012

    Kate Middleton and Prince William <a href="">are expecting their first child </a>together, a palace spokesperson confirmed. The Duchess of Cambridge is currently at King Edward VII Hospital in Central London for hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare pregnancy illness with symptoms mirroring extreme morning sickness.

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